
继续教育 is Aquinas' undergraduate program for post-traditional students approximately 23 years and over to start or finish a bachelor's degree, to earn an additional bachelor's degree or to take classes for personal or professional enrichment.

继续教育 programs at Aquinas are designed and intended for persons beyond conventional college age who are established in their adult lives and careers and 谁的教育中断了. 因此,一个人有资格进入 to our 继续教育 program if any one of the following categories matches 他或她. 

  • Students 谁的教育中断了 (an interruption of two or more years in higher education, or four or more years since high school graduation), or who have been continuously employed on a fulltime basis for two or more years and who qualify as a self-supporting student as defined by financial aid regulations. 
  • All veterans of the Armed Forces or persons who hold a bachelor’s degree or professional diploma.
  • Students must meet the normal eligibility requirements for any on campus instruction.


探索十大赌博登录官网所提供的一切. 我们有很多项目 courses to help you reach your career goals and further your education. 

  1. 完成 请求信息表.  我们将通过电子邮件与您联系,告知您进一步的细节. 如果你现在准备好申请, 进入步骤2.
  2. 填写申请表 online. 申请是不收费的. 如果你想和一位 顾问,在你申请之前,继续步骤4.
  3. Please have your school’s registrar mail your official transcripts to the Aquinas 学院注册主任/学术咨询中心. Aquinas will need transcripts from each college you have attended as well as from 你上的高中. 

    Schools that send electronic transcripts should email them to registrar@smc26.com.

    富尔顿街1700号. E.,

  4. 和Sandy Farley约个时间,十大赌博正规平台在线学术顾问-(616)632-2871或 registrar@smc26.com. If you have attended college before, make sure you bring copies of your college transcripts with you so the advisor can thoroughly discuss transferability of your credits. 非官方的成绩单 也可以用于这次约会吗. 我们将讨论注册过程 此时此刻.
  5. 联系退伍军人认证官, If you are a veteran of the US armed forces (or an eligible dependent or spouse) entitled to educational benefits, call (616) 632-2871 or email registrar@smc26.com.
  6. 完成 financial aid process to learn about possible sources of financial assistance. 
    Students find Aquinas financially manageable through a variety of grants, scholarships, 贷款及还款计划. 要申请经济援助,你需要提交一份 FAFSA 尽可能早. 完成 FAFSA online (Obtain a FSA ID through that site before you begin if it is your first time 完成FAFSA. 注:十大赌博登录官网的学校代码是002239.)请随时联系 the 财政援助办事处 电话:(616)632-2893或 financialaid@smc26.com.
  7. 联络学生帐户 电话:(616)632-2864或 studentaccounts@smc26.com if you would like to set up a payment plan or arrange to have your employer billed directly. >Complete Details 

The 密歇根转让协议 is designed to facilitate the transfer of credits between participating Michigan 大专院校. Review requirements and applicable general education courses.

检查 转移等效指南 为你转学的机构准备的. 


*If you do not find a specific class, please contact the Registrar's Office at (616) 632-2866.


  •  Aquinas accepts up to 60 semester hours of credit from an accredited community or 专科学校. If coming from a four-year institution, you may transfer all liberal arts and science credits earned at your previous school(s) and applicable to your 学位课程.
  • If you hold an Associate of Arts degree, you will automatically have fulfilled the general education requirements at Aquinas, with the exception of a Theological Foundation course, a  Writing Intensive course, and a Senior Capstone. 学生可能需要完成 英语和数学的能力要求.
  • If you hold any other Associate's Degree, an official transcript review will determine 还有哪些学分需要修完. 
  • If transferring from an accredited four-year institution, an official transcript review 将决定哪些学分将被接受. 但是,至少30个学时 必须在十大赌博正规平台在线学习. 某些部门至少需要一半 在十大赌博登录官网完成的主要课程.
  • Prospective transfer students from other colleges cannot be admitted if they have been dismissed from or are currently on academic probation at another college.






You’ve served your country; now let us serve you. 我们会帮你上课的 and get the degree that will guide you to the next step in your career.

Life for the working mother of three young children was already an uphill climb, considering she does not speak English as her native language and she’s legally blind, but she made the decision to come to AQ and finish her degree, leading to a job in the Justice 部门.


Every class I took in my major had something I could use inside my business. I could 立即看到值.

约翰阴暗的 -继续教育学生


The transition from the military to Aquinas wasn’t difficult. AQ有一种温暖和支持 大气. And there is someone to help you budget and fill out all the G.I. Bill forms.

克里斯Calcagno -继续教育学生


虽然这是一个培养人的地方,但也非常具有挑战性. 你需要的是努力工作 要想成功. 在十大赌博登录官网你绝对物有所值.

马林Feyen -继续教育学生




At 十大赌博正规平台在线, we pioneered the idea of continuing education for adults back in 1969. We provide an opportunity like no other, with the high standards you would expect from a private liberal arts college in an environment that will prepare you 为了在现实世界中取得成功. 从60多个课程中选择,课程由 经验丰富的教授. 你从一开始就会得到个人关注 你的申请过程到期末考试结束.APPLY NOW



Between federal and state grants, Federal Direct loans, scholarships, employer tuition reimbursement, and a host of other programs, this investment in your future could 花费比你想象的要少得多. 而且,十大赌博登录官网使资助你的教育更加公平 付款计划更方便. 金融援助



From one-on- one attention in the library, to math labs, writing centers and tutoring, 十大赌博登录官网有你成功所需要的东西.探索服务



Over fifteen years ago, 十大赌博正规平台在线 and the Diocese of Grand Rapids created the 神学研究证书. 这个项目是为外行设计的 in ministry and those who want to further their theological education. 课程是 intended to build on what one already knows and prepare participants for further study 如果这是一个人的愿望.神学研究